Peer-to-Peer Support Groups

Talking, sharing and connecting can mean the difference between just surviving a voyage or having a happy and productive one.

We know you can face real feelings of isolation and anxiety and it’s not always easy to share this with your fellow crew or employers. That’s why we offer seafarers the chance to talk with those in the same boat, but not on the same ship.

Our confidential Peer-to-Peer Support Groups are a constant support system – an online family at sea.

We put seafarers in touch with others who have lots in common and these WhatsApp groups provide a safe and confidential place to talk through worries at work or problems back home.

These spaces are hugely popular. Seafarers all around the world are sharing joys and challenges along with practical advice. And should you need more help, our moderators are on hand to offer advice and help you with any extra support needed, financial or emotional.

As well as general groups that all seafarers are welcome to join, we have more exclusive groups for female seafarers, cadets, captains, LGBTQ+, maritime pilots, families and those caught up in the Ukrainian conflict.

Seafarers on deck using mobile phone

Our Peer-to-Peer Support for all seafarers.

Find a group that works for you:

Open to all Peer-to-Peer Support Group

Our seafarer Peer-to-Peer Support groups offer a community that gives a real sense of being connected.

Cadet Support Groups

Our cadet Peer-to-Peer Support Groups follow on from our Wellness at Sea Maritime Schools’ Conferences and offer cadets a chance to chat with fellow students and recent graduates from across the world, sharing concerns and positive reinforcement.

All female Support Groups

Our UK and international female-only Peer-to-Peer Support Groups provide the safe space they need and are helping us pave the way in supporting female seafarers and encouraging the next generation into the industry.

Captain Support Groups

Being in charge can bring its own worries and being the captain doesn’t mean you won’t have wellness concerns. And not just personal ones – as a captain, you also have a crew to care for.

Maritime Pilots Support Groups

Our exclusive Peer-to-Peer Support Groups for maritime pilots offer a safe confidential space where maritime pilots can talk to each other. Here they can share issues and gain support.

LGBTQ+ Support Groups

We are here to support all seafarers with the various issues they can have, but we are aware that LGBTQ+ seafarers can face particular challenges linked to their sexuality and the isolation it can bring. Our Peer-to-Peer Support Groups exclusively for LGBTQ+ crew provide a safe and completely confidential space that allows you to support one another.

Family Support Groups

Here families can find mutual support, a place to share their concerns and swap coping mechanisms for those long months of separation.

Groups for those affected by the Ukrainian crisis

The Support Groups allow Ukrainian and Russian seafarers to speak to other crews from their own country in their own language, while a third group is made up of seafarers from other nationalities.

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