3 Jun

Posidonia 2024

3 Jun - 7 Jun 2024, Metropolitan Expo, Athens, Greece

Posidonia 2024

3 Jun - 7 Jun 2024, Metropolitan Expo, Athens, Greece

This June will see tens of thousands of people from the world of shipping gather at Posidonia, one of the industry's most prestigious events.

And Sailors' Society is delighted to have been chosen as a 2024 Supported Charity over the five-day exhibition.

Posidonia has a packed programme planned across the week. The flagship event provides a valuable opportunity for all those attending to meet face-to-face for discussions, to develop and solidify partnerships and to create opportunities for future collaboration.

In addition to the conference, seminars and workshops with industry leaders are The Posidonia Games, which include the hugely popular 5x5 Posidonia Shipsoccer Tournament and mass participation Posidonia Running Event.

We are delighted to be attending Posidonia and if you would like to meet up with our team to discuss our award-winning wellness programme, ground-breaking cadet conferences or data-packed industry reports, or if you could fundraise for us to help ensure our helpline and Crisis Response Network can answer every seafarer in need, please email [email protected]

"We are hugely grateful to the organisers of Posidonia 2024 for choosing us as a supported charity this year. Posidonia is such a major event in the shipping calendar and we are looking forward to meeting up with many of our existing partners as well as forging new relationships for the future."
Sara Baade, Sailors' Society's CEO

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